Thursday, January 12, 2012

WVUM Sports Podcast: Part 2: Austen Gregerson and AJ Ricketts - 1/12

In Part 2 of today's podcast, WVUM staff members Austen Gregerson and AJ Ricketts discuss how they chose the University of Miami and sports media as their career path.

WVUM Sports Podcast: Part 1: Eric Konkol - 1-12

In Part 1 of today's podcast, UM assistant basketball coach Eric Konkol joins the podcast to talk about the UM Men’s Basketball team and the integration of the Jim Larranaga staff into the UM program. You can follow Coach Konkol on twitter @CoachKonkol

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WVUM Sports Podcast: Billy Corben - 1-11

Billy Corben, Director of the 30 for 30 movie The U, joins the podcast to talk about the process of how "The U" got made and how the documentary took shape. Enjoy

Monday, January 9, 2012

WVUM Sports Podcast: Joe Zagacki & Mike Wallace - 1/9

Joe Zagacki joins the podcast to talk about the University of Miami and his career working for the Hurricanes since 1983. Later, ESPN's Mike Wallace joins the pod to talk about the Miami Heat and the beginnings of the Heat’s 2011-12 campaign. Enjoy